That is THE single highest position in the Episcopal church in the US, and yes it's biologically female.
This is more than enough to tell you that the Episcopal church fully apostasized, which happened right in front of my eyes long ago and far away. I could tell you the gory details but it's not necessary. (OT Prophets used the term "a byword and a hissing" to describe this sort of thing; I find it wonderfully poetic in the KJV, whereas in modern English "garbage" would suffice)
That is THE single highest position in the Episcopal church in the US, and yes it's biologically female.
This is more than enough to tell you that the Episcopal church fully apostasized, which happened right in front of my eyes long ago and far away. I could tell you the gory details but it's not necessary. (OT Prophets used the term "a byword and a hissing" to describe this sort of thing; I find it wonderfully poetic in the KJV, whereas in modern English "garbage" would suffice)