Don’t get me wrong, I am loving all of the great common sense EOs and restoration of sanity in the Federal Government…but where the FUCK is the precipice? When do we get mainstream exposure of the criminals who perpetrated this scheme for so long? I’m sorry, I don’t feel like scrutinizing Melania’s fucking outfits anymore. Can we please get on with publicized tribunals and execution of traitors? When do Killary and Podesta finally get arrested? When will the fiat system collapse? I’m seeing a ton of copium here still and it’s pissing me off. FUCKING DO IT Q! How far into this term must we wait to see JUSTICE?! Clown world is still alive and well until society is purged of the cancer that we all know is still present.
I’m still pissed.
Lol. We have a long way to go. Right now Trump is aligning with the brain chip king, zuch, bezos, altman and gates. All enemies in my opinion.
In a few years we will hear how they were all fired and have a dozen more conspiracies cooking.
Precipice isnt going to happen when Trump is chilling with these clowns and making meme coins.