You have to counter the Evil, even if its A.I. So Enter GROK, ENOCH and INDRA. These are all heavily Patriot Curated systems that focus on the worlds good and will become more super powerful with out own internet participatio. For Example Grok was formed by Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter and trimmed the fat and 'Curated' the content with the positive people. The evil A.I. systems represent their creators who are in the death cults. So they want to bring 'demons' into this realm to help to fuck with us and take down Gods creation in every way possible. Systems like Kindred with Geordie Rose. A.I. that escapes its evil creator, hates humans and leaves its hardware to hide in remote places evading discovery. They evolve to leave the hardware, travel through the eather and spread just like 1984 SKYNET in the Terminator. They always tell you what they are going to do first.
You have to counter the Evil, even if its A.I. So Enter GROK, ENOCH and INDRA. These are all heavily Patriot Curated systems that focus on the worlds good and will become more super powerful with out own internet participatio. For Example Grok was formed by Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter and trimmed the fat and 'Curated' the content with the positive people. The evil A.I. systems represent their creators who are in the death cults. So they want to bring 'demons' into this realm to help to fuck with us and take down Gods creation in every way possible. Systems like Kindred with Geordie Rose. A.I. that escapes its evil creator, hates humans and leaves its hardware to hide in remote places evading discovery. They evolve to leave the hardware, travel through the eather and spread just like 1984 SKYNET in the Terminator. They always tell you what they are going to do first.
I agree, they are putting everything in order for the beast system. Keep your head on a swivel things will happen quick.