Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening,
Doubtless many of you are confused and confounded by recent developments surrounding President Trump's support of Open AI and the mRNA vaccine technology. These two intertwined initiatives have certainly caused distress and possibly even a level of skepticism and distrust of the direction 47 is heading in.
The purpose of this thread is to remind the Anons of GAW of the grand strategy at work with Q and Q+. These happenings over the past 24 hours are not random, nor are the names associated with these programs. We are entering into a moment in time when future will prove past and difficult truths will be disclosed to the American people through brilliant and clever narrative deployments.
Recognize that in the past month the Biden administration pardoned some 8,000 individuals, more than any previous President of the past 50 years combined. Among the pardoned names was one Anthony Fauci, whom we need no introduction for here. Anons know full well the crimes against humanity for which he is guilty. Let us remind ourselves though of certain details of Fauci's tenure as a health advisor during Covid 19. Most important of all is the question of why President Trump would choose such a ruthless murderous psychopath to lead the nation in the fight against the invisible enemy to begin with?
The answer can be found in psychological and information based fifth generational warfare. In an information war, the end goal is to alter the perception of the people for whom the psychological warfare is aimed. Obama legalized the use of propaganda, and by extension information warfare, against the American people. We have been engaged in a silent war of gargantuan proportion for nearly two decades now. Those who have weathered The Storm here on The Great Awakening are truly the most resilient and resistant to the Deep State's weapons of psychological warfare. Many are not as strong as you though. Many are still hopelessly inundated and immersed in the Hollywood narratives of the Deep State that defines their reality and their ability to perceive.
How do you bring into focus a narrative that the Deep State has desperately tried to bury all the while exposing an individual such as Fauci whom they have done their utmost to keep from justice? Fauci is one of the individuals that could bring down the entire weaponized pharmaceutical industry from within, should he be captured and made to talk. The Cabalists and Deep Staters couldn't have him spilling the beans on Capitol Hill, and so they ensured his pardon for all crimes going back to 2014.
What occurred in 2014 though? Why was this specific year chosen for his pardon? Those who have been following the work of Clandestine know full well the history behind the biological weapons of mass destruction that were engineered at bioweapons laborites spread across Ukraine. In the aftermath of C19 and the coup d'état against President Trump in the homeland, Vladimir Putin sent his emissaries to the United Nations to plead with them about the ethnic bioweapons being developed in Ukraine. He tried in vain to explain to those who would not listen that the Special Military Operation in Ukraine was a defensive war to protect the Motherland from the Cabalists and their attempt to genocide first the Russian people, and then all of humanity.
Remember the 16 year plan to destroy America. Forget not the efforts the Deep State and their Cabalist overlords have gone to in order to put their plan back in action in the aftermath of Q and Q+ intervention in 2016 in their masterplan of ultimate genocide against humanity.
There are many ways to genocide humanity. The first choice for the demise of The United States of America was nuclear warfare. Obama and Hillary were responsible for the Uranium One nuclear deal in which an unknown quantity of American owned Uranium ended up in the possession of Cabal affiliated terrorist groups. Hillary's presidency that never was would have seen the detonation of this nuclear material here in America. The blame for this would have been placed upon Russia. Before anyone had a chance to question the preceding events, the Deep State would have proceeded to engage America and the West into the third World War against Russia.
The second method of genocide came in the form of a biological attack upon all of humanity that took the form of both an engineered virus, a psychological attack, and a subsequent mRNA weaponized vaccine. It was a three pronged attack of deadly efficiency that nearly worked. This brings our conversation to the subject of Operation Warp Speed.
Many times on our board we have discussed the film "The Hunt for Red October," and the climactic scene where Captain Ramius saves the Red October by steering his submarine into the oncoming torpedo before it has a chance to arm itself. This is in essence what occurred with Operation Warp Speed, and what is again occurring with President Trump's initiative involving Artificial Intelligence and mRNA technology. We are narratively being reminded of the deadly psychological warfare we have passed through in the past four yeas of the Biden administration, while also being introduced to a new psychological weapon.
It seems that the third method of genocide the Deep State had in mind was that of Artificial Intelligence. This method is not nearly as efficient or quick acting as nuclear or biological, but it does provide the Deep State with an interim period of heightened control while the poison takes effect across society. Already we are seeing the integration of A.I. agents into platforms owned by Microsoft, Apple, Samsung and Google. In the past two years our entire society has been completely overtaken by the advent of A.I.. If left to continue at its current trajectory, all of our critical infrastructure systems would be rapidly integrated into machine learning algorithms that would usurp control and sovereignty over humanity and ultimately lead us down a path of subjugation and total forfeiture of our freedom and individuality.
President Trump is a masterful tactician. He understands the threats of mRNA technology and Artificial Intelligence. He is steering America now, just as he did during Covid, headlong into the coming storm. He is not wasting any time in futile attempts to explain to America the dangers of these technologies. Instead, he is opting rapidly speed up America's pace towards this technology in order to reveal what lay at the end of the line before the Deep State can fully arm its weaponry.
This brings us to the topic of STARGATE.
The Open AI initiative titled by the name of Stargate posits that Artificial Intelligence can be used to rapidly deploy custom vaccines to fight against cancerous cells. You may ask, why the name Stargate?
The answer can be found in Episode 16 of Season 10 of the 1990s show Stargate SG1. In "2010," the SG-1 team encounters an alternate future where Earth has allied with the Aschen, an advanced alien race offering technology like an anti-aging vaccine. However, this utopia hides a dark secret: the vaccine causes human sterility, part of the Aschen's plan to control Earth's population. Major Samantha Carter, now married to an ambassador, discovers the infertility crisis when she cannot conceive, leading Dr. Janet Fraiser to uncover the truth. With Earth's population drastically reduced due to sterility, the team, including a retired Colonel Jack O'Neill, races against time to send a warning back through the Stargate during a solar flare, aiming to prevent this grim future from ever happening.
This episode was explored in a Rumble video titled:
Star Gate: SG1 - Analysis of Ashen Federation
The name Stargate was not chosen for this AI mRNA program without cause, reason, or purpose. I believe, as do others among the moderation team here on The Great Awakening, that shows like SG-1 were narrative vehicles for powerful disclosures to humanity in order to psychologically prepare ourselves for the eventual disclosure of the truth. I do not believe in coincidences. I do not believe in random chance. When I read that the term "Stargate" had once again been associated with the term "vaccine" and "mRNA," I knew precisely the strategy that President Trump was utilizing.
I believe that we are about to witness the entire pharmaceutical industry exposed for all of humanity to see. The Stargate and Warp Speed projects will rip back the curtains and show all of humanity the genocidal psychopaths who operate at the heart of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration.
Fauci may have received a pardon for his crimes against humanity of the past decade, but he will never receive a pardon in the court of public opinion. Q warned us many years ago that there would come a time when these people would not be able to walk down the street. This has always been the strategy. We do not need to prosecute these people in their corrupt courts. We need to expose them to such a degree where all of humanity sees them for the monsters they truly are. From that moment on, their power and control will have been completely and utterly nullified. Their ability to inflict pain and suffering will be no more. Remember, God is the ultimate judge.
I would ask all Anons and Patriots who visit this board to practice the use of logical thinking and discernment in the coming days. Already I have seen a great many Anons emotionally react to President Trump's recent moves. As ever we must keep in perspective that this is a Military Operation we are involved in, and that Patriots are in control. We are privileged to have an inside track on the most brilliant operation in military history.
Enjoy the show Anons! You've earned it!
So Stargate AI will be used to reveal that vaccines are lately junk science (and worse)?