Let’s also note that this round of deportations is going after known violent criminals. So what she is really saying is she is willing to attack an officer who is trying to protect innocents and bring justice to their victims. Anyone caught with them that are here illegally is going as well. That needs to happen to remove any support these offenders have. There are cells of groups set up to hide these violent offenders and the left is DEFENDING this. Guess who has suffered the absolute worst- the weak within the subterranean society that they created to have cheap labor. She can cry but the children ALL day but has she once stopped to think about the women and children drug into this mess? There is no protection for them when they are here illegally they can’t go to the cops. This makes abuse and trafficking possible. She wants to be a hero so she can splash it all over FB but she also wants to support a system that only benefits the elite and sets up actual innocents ( kids and trafficking victims) to be abused endlessly. This isn’t heroic this is carrying the water for scumbags.
Let’s also note that this round of deportations is going after known violent criminals. So what she is really saying is she is willing to attack an officer who is trying to protect innocents and bring justice to their victims. Anyone caught with them that are here illegally is going as well. That needs to happen to remove any support these offenders have. There are cells of groups set up to hide these violent offenders and the left is DEFENDING this. Guess who has suffered the absolute worst- the weak within the subterranean society that they created to have cheap labor. She can cry but the children ALL day but has she once stopped to think about the women and children drug into this mess? There is no protection for them when they are here illegally they can’t go to the cops. This makes abuse and trafficking possible. She wants to be a hero so she can splash it all over FB but she also wants to support a system that only benefits the elite and sets up actual innocents ( kids and trafficking victims) to be abused endlessly. This isn’t heroic this is carrying the water for scumbags.