Hello, fine patriots! Just got home from work and the wife surprised me with some excellent news. Our twin baby girls are getting a (hopefully just one this time) new sibling! We've all been taking horse paste weekly (daily this past week due to everyone around us being sick), but I'd like to hear what you all know about taking it during pregnancy. Of course when i do a Google search it's all bad, but i also understand their motives. Thank you for any and all feedback. Happy Thursday!
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Don't. Michael Yeadon wrote an article on this a while back. From what I recall, it's bad for the baby. I remember something about it destroying the unborn.
I remembered reflecting upon the COVID vaxx causing sterility and us thinking we were safe by taking ivermectin, but ivermectin also destroying the life inside. Insidious.
Will try to find the article.
Congrats on the little one on the way.
EDIT: https://rumble.com/v5bfmgd-dr-mike-yeadon-ivermectin-anti-fertility-bombshell-one-of-the-most-violent-.html
Thank you! Hopefully the last couple weeks didn't do any harm. We had no idea until today.