Now hear me out... Dominion was never really heard of before the 2020 election, so what if Trump had some bad actors set this up to catch all the bad actors trying to cheat in the 2020 election?? That would mean he would have TOTAL CONTROL over the Senate and House... meaning anyone who would dare use the system and stand against him would be.... ahem... terminated for lack of a lighter term. Just theory building.
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Wouldn't that make him no better than the others?
So your theory is that Trump is the head crook in the election steal and that he did indeed collude with the deep state in order to set it up? We lived through four years of sh!t so the 'set up' could catch some bad guys and now Trump is a blackmailer to keep Congress in line.
President Trump never was the head crook. He knew about Dominion even before he thought about running in the 2012 election. Regardless, he did allow some bad actors within the Federal Election Commission and Dominion only made news beginning in 2020 because it exposed the cheating and exposed Dominion.
This election cheating does allow for President Trump to hold blackmail over Congress.