Whatever. It's a free country and if the FBI soybois want to play dressup and march on a cold day, let 'em. There is what, like 100 Paytriot Front members? Who cares. What power do they have and what can the contribute to our great country? Not a whole lot. So, let them have their little get together and play like soldiers, but in the end all that will happen is they get their ten minutes of fame on a local DC television station because the rest of the country really doesn't care about them. Plus, please explain to me what their mission statement is because they certainly are not clear whether they are pro or anit conservative. ugh.
It's not about what they can contribute. It's about stopping them from riling up communities across this country to hate MAGA. They did it in my town and it is annoying as shit to hear the local derpuses get up in arms about fighting back against Trump and his white supremacists.
Whatever. It's a free country and if the FBI soybois want to play dressup and march on a cold day, let 'em. There is what, like 100 Paytriot Front members? Who cares. What power do they have and what can the contribute to our great country? Not a whole lot. So, let them have their little get together and play like soldiers, but in the end all that will happen is they get their ten minutes of fame on a local DC television station because the rest of the country really doesn't care about them. Plus, please explain to me what their mission statement is because they certainly are not clear whether they are pro or anit conservative. ugh.
It's not about what they can contribute. It's about stopping them from riling up communities across this country to hate MAGA. They did it in my town and it is annoying as shit to hear the local derpuses get up in arms about fighting back against Trump and his white supremacists.