Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?
Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because, this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in addition to ...
Ever heard of the Brunson case? SCOTUS found in favor, and the verdict is being held private "until a later date." This renders 95% of Congress illegitimate. Trump used it as leverage (blackmail) to insure a fair election. It worked. Stay tuned.
...inside information which I am not privy to...
...although I am familiar with the court case you have referred...
It doesnt show anywhere the court found favor with that case.
Good info here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/its-go-time-the-scotus-brunson-case-loy-brunson/id1634687217?i=1000674363357