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posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +66 / -2

...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...

Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

  1. Does it really matter if a person is a Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian as long as they believe that Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin, died, rose from the dead, and is now sitting at the right hand of God as our Savior?

  2. Does a church or pastor have a right to say who will go to heaven and who will go to hell?

  3. Could one of the witnesses in Revelation 11 be John the Apostle according to Revelation 10:11?

  4. Will the saints of Revelation 6:9-11 be at the marriage supper of the lamb? And when will that take place?

  5. Should a person be allowed to die when there is no hope of recovery?

  6. McGee discusses the ministries that send numerous requests for donations.

  7. Would you allow an innocent party of a divorce be a deacon or a deaconess?

  8. Would you allow an innocent party of a divorce who is remarried be a deacon or a deaconess?


Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee

We Need To Believe

Now if you were to ask me today, “What is the great sin in your life, preacher? What is it that’s held you back more than anything else?” I’ll tell you what it is, I don’t mind making the confession. Unbelief. Oh, if I’d only believed God. I go back in my ministry and, I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t believe God like I should. That’s my problem. Maybe it’s your problem. I want to believe God, and if there’s one thing today I want above everything else, I want to believe God. I want to trust Him. I want to commit my life to Christ. Oh, if I could just turn it over to Him.


Daily Promises

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

The compelling blood of Christ offers great power to Christians as they fight this spiritual battle against evil. By the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, we can conquer all things and nothing shall destroy us! We are victorious because Christ is with us; therefore, no one could possibly be against us (Romans 8:31).

More Like Jesus

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. -- 1 Peter 2:21

Being more like Jesus isn't easy, but it is what we are called to do.


"God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us"

Niccolo Machiavelli

Today's Wins

1 Vladimir Lenin - Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever...Raising Next-gen Conservatives


2 Pete Hegseth confirmed as Secretary of Defense after Vance casts tie breaking vote His confirmation is the second time in history the vice president has had to vote to confirm a cabinet position, and the closest vote for any Secretary of Defense.


3 The Historic First Days


4 With Trump, Washington’s ‘Democratic’ Facade Comes Down


5 In Pacific Palisades, Trump goes 'scorched earth' on the idiots running California


6 Exit and Build: How to Live the Principles of Liberty NOW! Derrick Broze's Address to Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference


7 The Big Freeze at HHS, CDC, and NIH


8 The Alien Enemies Act of 1798: An Explainer of the Law Trump May Invoke The act allows the government to detain or remove foreign nationals without a hearing in times of war or invasion.



9 Hooray: The Fed is done with climate change


10 The 8 Executive Actions That Will Drive the Trump Energy Agenda...Four sweeping slates of energy directives revoke prior orders, deregulate, and direct to ‘drill baby drill.’



11 Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?


12 Rural Revolution...In-your-face stuff from an opinionated rural north Idaho housewife


Look What The Dog Dragged In

13 101st Airborne, other Army units deploying to Europe, Middle East and South Korea...Soldiers will head overseas in support of deterrence missions in eastern Europe and the Korean Peninsula, as well as U.S. operations in the Middle East.


14 Child Sacrifice and Our Desire to Ignore It


15 Thank the Feds for a Million COVID Dead


16 Final Report: Covid Select Concludes Two-Year Investigation


17 The Un-Merry-Go-Round of Media, Pharma, and Government


18 The Deplorable Ethics of a Preemptive Pardon for Fauci


19 Donald Trump Rolls Out The AI Bio-Medical Control Grid Backed By Israel And The Deep State


20 The Fruit Of Bad Leadership: Trudeau Has Destroyed What It Means To Be Canadian


21 How Does Iran’s Dwindling Power Factor Into The Future Ezekiel 38 War? The gears continue to turn as the nations adjust into prophetic alignment. When the time is right, just as God's Word foretold in Ezekiel 38, Turkey, Iran, and Russia will all conspire to invade Israel.


22 The Biden Forest Service corrals fencing terrorists


23 Americans, Hungarians, and the Sacred Crown of St. Stephen



24 Chimes at Midnight - It’s been an idea for over three decades. How did the clock that will run for 10,000 years become a reality?


Dog Woo

25 Israel Repeatedly Violates Ceasefire, The AI/Technocracy Bait And Switch & The DOGE Deception


26 TGIF: Why McKinley?


27 The Decline and Fall of the US Senate


28 Who Is To Blame For The Skyrocketing Public Distrust Of ‘Church Leaders’?


29 The line between good and evil is not fine


30 The World as Manifestation of the Feminist Mind


31 The Greatest Conspiracy Theory


32 Episcopalian bishop defiles president, voters, and the Washington National Cathedral


33 A Sermon on the Mount of Modern Progressivism


34 A lawyer’s view of irrelevant influences in the courtroom...Psychology studies cast doubt on old assumptions about legal objectivity. Lawyers and laypeople alike should take notice


35 Saturday Poem...Richard Butler Glaenzer - Star-Magic


36 Image courtesy of Max Benjamin Cartoons.


Worst Of Babylon Bee

37 Pete Hegseth Celebrates Confirmation With Epic Keg Stand


38 Trump Deemed Unfit For Political Office After Doing What He Promised


39 Study Finds 85% Of A.I. Servers Are Just Being Used By Men Generating Images Of Themselves As Roman Soldiers


40 Hurr Durr! Get A Load Of This Retard Who Reads The Bible And Believes It Just Means What It Says


41 God Clarifies That 'Wherever Two Or Three Are Gathered In My Name, I Am With Them' Doesn't Apply To Episcopalians


PowderRoomPolitics ---Sometimes We Choose, Sometimes They Choose!

1 The Stubborn Doodles


2 Taking A Dog Who Had Months To Live Home


3 Drive, She Said!


4 Mother Cat And Kittens Rescued


5 Wild Mustang Approaches Elderly Woman:


6 Man Saved Abandoned White Horse


7 Cat Chooses Owner by Climbing In Her Lap


8 Trucker Rescues Kitten, Adopts It


9 Stray Kitten Cuddles Everyone He Meets Now That He Is Rescued:


10 Dog Escapes Through Fire


Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333

1 Finding the Way to One’s Self


2 Taki - Don’t Forget Maugham


3 Undertaking Poetry...Pursuing the drama of overcoming—in art and life.


4 A Start-Up Claimed Its Device Could Cure Cancer. Then Patients Began Dying. Two U.S. companies teamed up to treat cancer patients using an unproven blood filter in Antigua, out of reach of American regulators.



5 Potentially deadly 'chirping waves' detected in baffling location near Earth, and scientists are stumped


...Goodnight Newshounds...

Head Up

Eyes Forward

Hold The Line Patriots

Keep Calm


Howl On
