He's not sure about 9/11 yet, but suspects 9/11 was a set-up and he went to war in the Mideast based on lies that Bush presented to the American public. He was told when he went into someone's house, it was either them or you. So he acted accordingly.
Veterans must realize they were unforgivably deceived and lied to by psychopaths for their own gain. God will ultimately punish them for eternity. Veterans had good intentions and felt they were doing the right thing on behalf of their country and for the world. They were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. Anyone with intelligence will realize that what happened. And God knows what is in their heart. GOD SEES THEM.
It's very sad. He's struggling and in pain. It is not his fault in any way. I think this may happen to many veterans. We must help and support them in any way we can.
Happened to me. I wanted to serve. I wanted to be a hero like my grandfather . I wanted bin ladin. Based on this lie....I signed up to excel, serve, enjoy male comraderie.....all I got was DEI, artificially imposed glass ceilings, and female NCOs from hell.
Americans are grateful for your service, patriotism and courage for America and to protect us.
There will be a few detractors, but they will be few and they are WRONG. They deserve to be ignored. The majority realize the sacrifice and effort you put forth on our behalves. You acted on good faith. I know you also have President Trump's support and he's a honorable and smart man. God sees you too, and knows what is in your heart. God is just.
The criminals, liars, manipulators and in reality psychopaths, who pushed for their own agendas will be rooted out to face justice. And that will happen. They will be sent to Hell for all eternity. It is all their fault. NONE of this is your fault. This has been going on for a millennia. Evil men who are psychopaths, weaving a wall of lies and manipulation for financial gain, power and control send good people who believe they are doing the right thing to war.
GOD SEES YOU. Wishing you the best, God's blessing and a bright, happy future!! 🕊