54 Colombian President Confirms He Blocked US Military Planes With Illegal Immigrants...‘We will receive our fellow citizens on civilian planes, without treating them like criminals,’ President Gustavo Petro said. (www.theepochtimes.com) posted 28 days ago by ashlanddog 28 days ago by ashlanddog +54 / -0 Colombian President Confirms He Blocked US Military Planes With Illegal Immigrants ‘We will receive our fellow citizens on civilian planes, without treating them like criminals,’ President Gustavo Petro said. 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They ARE criminals.
They WILL be treated as criminals.
"They WILL be treated as criminals."
...well that leaves some room for discussion,..
...don't forget you are not dealing with a bunch of crackers here....
Yeah, that's a problem.
"Yeah, that's a problem."