Quite true. The roots of evil are unbelievably deep in this septic isle, the only way I can see to purge it is the Lord Jesus returning at the head of the hosts of heaven with a sword of fire in his hand.
Failing that, Space Force exterrminating the City of London from orbit with their advanced LOIC.
This goes along with what Canadian historian Matthew Ehret (at Badlands media among other places) has been writing about for years -- everything is in service of the British imperialism.
Bridgen is a hero!
"Bridgen is a hero!"
God bless him.
"Demonic cancer Parasite. It chose the BEST host. Bar none."
...evil has some very deep roots in London...
"what with us being the Kings serfs"
...wags tail sadly...
" I blame the British for being so damn weak '
...that can be laid directly at the feet of those who killed off Britain's best and brightest in two world wars...
" No real meritocracy."
...I stand by my "war comment"...
Quite true. The roots of evil are unbelievably deep in this septic isle, the only way I can see to purge it is the Lord Jesus returning at the head of the hosts of heaven with a sword of fire in his hand.
Failing that, Space Force exterrminating the City of London from orbit with their advanced LOIC.
"the Lord Jesus returning at the head of the hosts of heaven with a sword of fire in his hand."
You will not be disappointed.
London and Switzerland.
"London and Switzerland."
...evil twins...
This goes along with what Canadian historian Matthew Ehret (at Badlands media among other places) has been writing about for years -- everything is in service of the British imperialism.
An example: New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State