Security before 9/11 was funded by the airlines. After was when it got bad, intrusive, and invasive. TSA stopped me, after saying good bye to my 80 year old parents, for a random check, then supposedly found "B#MB RESIDUE" on some matcha tea powder I had in my bag. They made a huge deal of searching me invasively.. I looked around and there was a circle of travelers watching and taking video. I was crying, my kid was crying... then they just, let me go. As I left, the TSA agent asked if I wanted the matcha tea powder!!!!!!!! So it was obviously a serious threat. They are not extra security. They take joy in harassing citizens for no reason. Credible threat, I could see. But random check to harass legal, law abiding citizens.
Security before 9/11 was funded by the airlines. After was when it got bad, intrusive, and invasive. TSA stopped me, after saying good bye to my 80 year old parents, for a random check, then supposedly found "B#MB RESIDUE" on some matcha tea powder I had in my bag. They made a huge deal of searching me invasively.. I looked around and there was a circle of travelers watching and taking video. I was crying, my kid was crying... then they just, let me go. As I left, the TSA agent asked if I wanted the matcha tea powder!!!!!!!! So it was obviously a serious threat. They are not extra security. They take joy in harassing citizens for no reason. Credible threat, I could see. But random check to harass legal, law abiding citizens.
Sounds similar to my last experience with TSA.