The real funny bit about this whole thing? The reaction to it is the exact inverse of what happened in 2020.
Both events had something untoward happen. Both events had a result that occurred due to the actions outside of just the votes surrounding the election. One prevented cheating, the other enacted it. But how you felt about the election depended largely on what side you were on.
If you go to the sub r/somethingiswrong20245 on reddit (if you can bare it, anyway), so much of what they have been saying about this election sounds pretty much point for point what you found on this sub, PDW, and other right wing forums back in 2020. It's astonishing - right on down to the whole "they need to commit the crime for the military to come in and convict" nonsense cope that was going on hardcore over here and PDW.
The fact that we are having people come out and basically do the right wing version of "how the deep state protected this election" thing is beyond funny.
I know some of you dont love astrology for various reasons, but Rick Levine looked at the astrology of January 6th in particular, and he made mention that it directly squared, to the degree, what happened on January 6th, 2020. Squares in astrology are the closest thing you can get to what we would colloquially think of as an opposite.
And that is exactly what has happened - in 2020, a side cheated. They won. In 2024, a side prevented cheating. That side won.
What we pointed out as cheating in 2020 was then proudly declared "fortifying the election". What they pointed out in 2024 as cheating is now basically being called the same thing.
The real funny bit about this whole thing? The reaction to it is the exact inverse of what happened in 2020.
Both events had something untoward happen. Both events had a result that occurred due to the actions outside of just the votes surrounding the election. One prevented cheating, the other enacted it. But how you felt about the election depended largely on what side you were on.
If you go to the sub r/somethingiswrong20245 on reddit (if you can bare it, anyway), so much of what they have been saying about this election sounds pretty much point for point what you found on this sub, PDW, and other right wing forums back in 2020. It's astonishing - right on down to the whole "they need to commit the crime for the military to come in and convict" nonsense cope that was going on hardcore over here and PDW.
The fact that we are having people come out and basically do the right wing version of "how the deep state protected this election" thing is beyond funny.
I know some of you dont love astrology for various reasons, but Rick Levine looked at the astrology of January 6th in particular, and he made mention that it directly squared, to the degree, what happened on January 6th, 2020. Squares in astrology are the closest thing you can get to what we would colloquially think of as an opposite.
And that is exactly what has happened - in 2020, a side cheated. They won. In 2024, a side prevented cheating. That side won.
What we pointed out as cheating in 2020 was then proudly declared "fortifying the election". What they pointed out in 2024 as cheating is now basically being called the same thing.
What a world we live in.
We have to show the people the truth now. Straight, no chaser. There are no excuses once Kash is appointed!