Not their MEDICAL needs but their MENTAL disorders. They are truly insane, being delusional. They should be locked up in a mental institution until they can accomplish reality testing, i.e., look in a mirror and what do you see???
The mental issue should have prevented them from even enlisting (the DSM-V needs to be rewritten to put it back in as a mental disorder) But then they were allowed in. If they're on hormones and/or had the surgery, they have to have regular doctors visits which means not deployable. Asthmatics and diabetics are not allowed in because they need medication and frequent medical monitoring (asthmatic sometimes can get a waiver)
Trump did not ban 'transgenders' because there is No such thing. What Trump banned is the obvious Insane being allowed to ruin Our US. Military, and he should say that out loud. And No, Bruce Jenner is Not a woman.
good he is getting rid of the embarrassment in the military.......
you mean genitals in skirts.... NO
We should make it a "Don't do this again!" sort of record
Good! Trannies are not deployable because of their medical needs. If you're not deployable you shouldn't be in the military
Not their MEDICAL needs but their MENTAL disorders. They are truly insane, being delusional. They should be locked up in a mental institution until they can accomplish reality testing, i.e., look in a mirror and what do you see???
The mental issue should have prevented them from even enlisting (the DSM-V needs to be rewritten to put it back in as a mental disorder) But then they were allowed in. If they're on hormones and/or had the surgery, they have to have regular doctors visits which means not deployable. Asthmatics and diabetics are not allowed in because they need medication and frequent medical monitoring (asthmatic sometimes can get a waiver)
Trump did not ban 'transgenders' because there is No such thing. What Trump banned is the obvious Insane being allowed to ruin Our US. Military, and he should say that out loud. And No, Bruce Jenner is Not a woman.