Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
I invested when the price was $26,000 now it's over $100,000. Pretty nice return in just a little over a year.
But, with that said you should never invest in anything you don't understand. And you won't get that understanding here. Go to YouTube and listen to Michael Saylor, Max Kieser, Jason Lowery and the What is Money series 1-9 with Robert Breedlove. Plus, check out early episodes G Money on Rumble. That'll be a good start.
Well, considering a good part of the conversations here over the past 4 years have been about how people can't afford to buy eggs and/or their medications because of inflation, there's probably not all that many people who have the extra money sitting around to invest in something as temperamental as crypto.
The audience here also skews heavily towards retired people on small fixed incomes.
I think people just like daydreaming about buying crypto or GME or whatever Trump’s thing is, and it going through the roof, and they become instant kazillionaires.
🤷♀️ It's fun to fantasize, I suppose. But yeah, don't invest in anything you don't understand. Seems like sound advice.
Personally, I would look around me for a trusted financial advisor/consultant/planner and go from there. Many people gamble away not only their futures, but their childrens' as well, on stuff like this. And that's exactly what crypto is, gambling. As is playing the stock market. If you wouldn't take your hard earned money to some casino in Atlantic City, then you probably shouldn't be investing in things like crypto and meme stocks. Just my .02, which absolutely no one asked me for. ✌️
Well that's the beauty of Bitcoin. You don't have to invest a lot. A little here a little there. And, yes it's a gamble but if you really understand what it is you'll know that the chances of a good return are very high.
Like all emerging technologies most people will scorn it at first. Then they eventually jump on board. How many people understand airplanes at first? Or the telephone, or the internet? Bitcoin is a very young protocol so of course it'll be misunderstood by many, but thankfully, many are beginning to understand how it can change human existence.