Karoline is a great fit for this job. She did an excellent job today. I’m looking forward to see future duels with the press, though my ultimate hope is that the press comes around and gives credit where credit is due. This gotcha bullshit doesn’t serve any purpose other than the entertainment value we get as Karoline slaps them down with facts. All these facts are good news for the American people. It is exhausting to watch her get asked the same question ten different ways. She handled it well.
Karoline is a great fit for this job. She did an excellent job today. I’m looking forward to see future duels with the press, though my ultimate hope is that the press comes around and gives credit where credit is due. This gotcha bullshit doesn’t serve any purpose other than the entertainment value we get as Karoline slaps them down with facts. All these facts are good news for the American people. It is exhausting to watch her get asked the same question ten different ways. She handled it well.