Thank god someone classier than I said it in a way that really drives the point home.
Yes, by making the argument "They pick our crops! They clean our toilets! They clean our homes and mow our yards! Who will do it if they're not here?" Is EXPLOITATIVE.
The democrat party has ALWAYS been about importing and exploiting minorities for cheap labor. Its why they fought the civil rights act, its why they founded the KKK, its why they fight tooth and nail to keep black people in the 'inner cities' where they can never get ahead, hispanics doing menial labor, etc etc.
Thank god someone classier than I said it in a way that really drives the point home.
Yes, by making the argument "They pick our crops! They clean our toilets! They clean our homes and mow our yards! Who will do it if they're not here?" Is EXPLOITATIVE.
The democrat party has ALWAYS been about importing and exploiting minorities for cheap labor. Its why they fought the civil rights act, its why they founded the KKK, its why they fight tooth and nail to keep black people in the 'inner cities' where they can never get ahead, hispanics doing menial labor, etc etc.