I believe 33 isn’t a thing because Jesus was killed at 33, Jesus was killed because he was 33. Jesus was killed in a ritual killing meant to bind his soul and send him to hell. This is where it gets awesome, you see Hell was the one place Jesus could not go, not because he didn’t have the power but because it simply didn’t exist to him. Jesus was perfect so no go, but by allowing this Satanic ritual to be performed he found his way to Hell, and how did he pass through the gates? He cloaked himself in the sin of man, he carried our sins to hell, he was in a fact a sheep in wolves clothing. So Jesus witnessed in Hell for a while and dropped our sins in hell with no souls attached. He then kicked those gates open and blew that pop stand. Satan must have been pissed, Jesus beat the devil at his own game. I believe it is ancient symbolism, maybe partially because of the 33% of the angels in heaven that were expelled from heaven with Lucifer but I think like so many things in the occult it has more than one meaning. I think each 3 has meaning. I think one three represents a man and the other a woman, and the three represents the number of generations it takes to turn a Godly people to serve Lucifer. I think that maybe the bibles warning to yoke yourself in marriage may be a clue, 33,23,13 are all important numbers in the occult. I think the may be like a count down clock, 33 generation one, 23 generation two, and finally 13, generation three and then destruction.
John 10:17-18 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”
He went to Hades NOT Hell two different places which Jesus is oft at pains to show the difference but the translators continue to confound.
Runway "33" might mean something. It seems like the number 33 pops up in every op cover story.
I believe 33 isn’t a thing because Jesus was killed at 33, Jesus was killed because he was 33. Jesus was killed in a ritual killing meant to bind his soul and send him to hell. This is where it gets awesome, you see Hell was the one place Jesus could not go, not because he didn’t have the power but because it simply didn’t exist to him. Jesus was perfect so no go, but by allowing this Satanic ritual to be performed he found his way to Hell, and how did he pass through the gates? He cloaked himself in the sin of man, he carried our sins to hell, he was in a fact a sheep in wolves clothing. So Jesus witnessed in Hell for a while and dropped our sins in hell with no souls attached. He then kicked those gates open and blew that pop stand. Satan must have been pissed, Jesus beat the devil at his own game. I believe it is ancient symbolism, maybe partially because of the 33% of the angels in heaven that were expelled from heaven with Lucifer but I think like so many things in the occult it has more than one meaning. I think each 3 has meaning. I think one three represents a man and the other a woman, and the three represents the number of generations it takes to turn a Godly people to serve Lucifer. I think that maybe the bibles warning to yoke yourself in marriage may be a clue, 33,23,13 are all important numbers in the occult. I think the may be like a count down clock, 33 generation one, 23 generation two, and finally 13, generation three and then destruction.
Please - Jesus was not killed
John 10:17-18 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”
He went to Hades NOT Hell two different places which Jesus is oft at pains to show the difference but the translators continue to confound.
The other guys comment seems a little bit like sci-fi. And all that stuff about the number three he fails to mention the Trinity interesting