I already knew about Lyme Connecticut and Plum Island... and already surmised that they DELIBERATELY fkd with them to spread disease... but getting confirmation is icing in the cake. What's the conspiracy fact tally up to now???
I lost a REALLY GOOD dog to Rocky mountain spotted fever 10 years ago. ALL 3 of my K9s just tested positive for Lyme's AND 2 other tick borne diseases (WTF!!!) and they're 2 weeks into a 30 day antibiotic.
When I get bit, it itches like crazy. I had one bite my belly and that site itched for 6 months.
I'd like to take their plausible deniability and ram it up their asses sideways before I throw them in the chipper. You're gonna trust MY science this time...
Can you sue them? Let me tell you couple of things so you can do some prevention. I came from WA so ticks on the west side rare and when I went south, we were all getting bitten like new kids on the block.
I use a homeopathic Ledum 200C now just before the tick season. If you do get a bite, use Lavender oil on the spot.
Thanks. Right now I spray pyrethrin on my clothes (chrysanthemum dust) and that works pretty well to repel them.
I also am pretty vigilant about "self inspection" after a walk in the woods. Unfortunately, there's no effective spray to bomb the walking paths with. Even the "farmer grade" version of Sevin is kinda lame (Carbyl)
We have ALL the ticks here...tan, green, lone star and (oh boy!) a new Chinese variant aka "Asian longhorn tick".
Oh... and if the ticks don't get you year round, the chiggers will when the temperature gets warmer... Never had these issues as a kid.
Thank you so much. That's why I have to formulate the spray to prevent the ticks for the dogs and myself using Ledum and Citronella. It's been effective.
We were bitten like some fresh meat when we first came. Howls.
My blood is Fkin BOILING over this revelation.
I already knew about Lyme Connecticut and Plum Island... and already surmised that they DELIBERATELY fkd with them to spread disease... but getting confirmation is icing in the cake. What's the conspiracy fact tally up to now???
I lost a REALLY GOOD dog to Rocky mountain spotted fever 10 years ago. ALL 3 of my K9s just tested positive for Lyme's AND 2 other tick borne diseases (WTF!!!) and they're 2 weeks into a 30 day antibiotic.
When I get bit, it itches like crazy. I had one bite my belly and that site itched for 6 months.
I'd like to take their plausible deniability and ram it up their asses sideways before I throw them in the chipper. You're gonna trust MY science this time...
Anyone who ever “worked” in one of these biolabs needs to be executed.
Wow. Lots of them will be gone.
Can you sue them? Let me tell you couple of things so you can do some prevention. I came from WA so ticks on the west side rare and when I went south, we were all getting bitten like new kids on the block.
I use a homeopathic Ledum 200C now just before the tick season. If you do get a bite, use Lavender oil on the spot.
Thanks. Right now I spray pyrethrin on my clothes (chrysanthemum dust) and that works pretty well to repel them.
I also am pretty vigilant about "self inspection" after a walk in the woods. Unfortunately, there's no effective spray to bomb the walking paths with. Even the "farmer grade" version of Sevin is kinda lame (Carbyl)
We have ALL the ticks here...tan, green, lone star and (oh boy!) a new Chinese variant aka "Asian longhorn tick".
Oh... and if the ticks don't get you year round, the chiggers will when the temperature gets warmer... Never had these issues as a kid.
You must live close by me. I have all of those.
I checked also and use Ledum. you can also use a Citronella as a spray.
I think so....Down there yonder.
Can't get there from here...
Down where? Texas area?
Oh no... practically on the mason Dixon line
Oh ok.
Look into Ledum homepathic
Agreed 109%, they are Godless agents of the devil.
Countless innocent lives are ruined by this every year, with no accountability.
Thank you so much. That's why I have to formulate the spray to prevent the ticks for the dogs and myself using Ledum and Citronella. It's been effective.
We were bitten like some fresh meat when we first came. Howls.
You know, I think I read a book about that a while back.
Plum Island. I had no idea at the time that it was in fact fact-based
Oh yeah.