US Court Overturns Ban On Handgun Sales To Adults Under 21 In Landmark Ruling.
Comments (22)
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Great. Now let's deal with concealed carry...
And overthrow the "assault" weapon bans like in IL.
Repeal NFA
I do want a stug44.
Hope you have deep pockets. I've got a couple 53s and a SL8-1 unfired thinking about turning it into a G36.
If they were legal, I think a lot of them would be found in Russia and eastern Europe,that would bring down the price.
I've seen pictures of lend lease Thompsons still being stored in Russia. People never throw away good guns....
Agree. I've got friends w/ BARs, M1919, M2, M16, HK, etc. Some legal. Some not "legal". I lost all my guns in a rafting accident.
Weird coincidence I lost mine skydiving off the Alaskan coast.
Semi- Autos
Constitutional Carry.
"Now let's deal with concealed carry..."
Every gun law is unconstitutional. 🇺🇲
Great now make all the states obey national gun laws. Fuk WA's HB1504 making a 25K insurance or bond FOR EACH FIREARM required before you purchase, and for as long as you own the firearm. It has no grandfather clause. Is checked annually for currency and if lapsed they're coming to take the guns. If it passes you can bet our FFLs will be out of business with all the laws that have passed... banned AR-15 style rifles, magazines over 10 rounds and now this one if this one and another bill limiting to 1000 rds a month and 1 firearm per month purchases along with the requirements for the heavy surveillance and 7 year recording required to be kept.
If if found later to be unconstitutional the fact that no FFLs would be in business eliminates any opportunity to buy a firearm in the state of WA bc you can't just bring one in if you're a WA state resident. Another bill limits 1 firearm in and 1000 rds per month. So President Trump force the states to recognize the US Constitution and stop unconstitutional laws from being adopted.
At what age may a young person exist and defend the country with a gun... and at what age may the same person buy a hand gun?
My kids started shooting young.
Good. Mine too fren.
Each person gets to decide.
About time. Then government wants to give us permission to live. Sick and tired of it.
This is what keeping your oath to the Constitution looks like.
awesome. awesome to the max
What part are f should not be infringed do they not get or us Constitution trumps all state constitutions. 2A does not allow states to make it illegal for citizens to bare arms.