The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government? | By John & Nisha Whitehead
Get ready for Surveillance State 2.0. To achieve this turbocharged surveillance state, the government is turning to its most powerful weapon yet: artificial intelligence. AI, with its ability to learn, adapt, and operate at speeds unimaginable to humans, i...
"Thank you for posting...this is an article that should be read by every person who claims to be a critical thinker. Unfortunately the majority of the people WON'T read it, trusting rather what they "assume" is the "truth" they have been fed about the future of AI. "
...there is none so blind... he who will not see...
...great insight as usual per u/tweety51A
...carry on Pilgrim!
Interesting ....
Funny thing, though: A game was developed to run natively on Linux called: Endless-Sky. The Free-Worlds-story line hides a little gem: a computer model pushing people into war for the sake of economic stability.
What we see now, is that all important system we use are based on models, whether they be language models performing financial trade tasks, economic calculations to decide the price of credit, environmental decisions (think IPCC) that cause farmers to be chased from their land, Ze Bugs, you name it. IT is all based on models. And these models are flawed.
Star Wars series: Skeleton Crew, also hides this same concept within it, creating a model society where there is a place for everyone to support the Great work.
Models are not reality. Reality is a natural phenomenon. A model creates a desired reality: A prison.
"Models are not reality. Reality is a natural phenomenon. A model creates a desired reality: A prison." have a firm grasp of the situational reality...
...outstanding work, as usual Skip...