posted ago by frenchanon ago by frenchanon +42 / -0

Hi guys! What if américains and french got something weird in common? I'm thinking about big mike and the actual french first "lady" Brigitte macron. Candace owens is sure that this woman is in fact a man named jean michel. This rumour is old news here in france, journalistes had been harassed because of their research on the matter. The story behind the couple Emmanuel / Brigitte macron is too shady to bé true and tonight, candace is supposed to exposé the truth. She is trending on X here in France and a lot of people got their pop corn ready. Of course, we could bé disappointed by the révélations but seing an american messing around with the macrons the way she does is priceless. Thanks to her! I may bé wrong but i think that Trump himself said one day that hé has a dossier on Emmanuel Macron weird sex life. Does anyone heard about this ?