Just wondering if anyone has done a deep-dive on the subject.
I am starting to think the so called Ancient Spice Trade was actually due to the value of the spices & herbs medicinal value rather than ‘food flavoring’.
The early maratime trade routes were established world-wide based on the spice trade. Extremely large risks (ocean sailing) and large sums of money were involved.
Are we to believe early industry was basically built around putting some peppercorns on your food to make it taste better???? Or, even some King’s wishes to make his food taste better??
If you read a wiki or other history regarding Ancient Spice Trade and substitute the word ‘medicine’ for ‘spice’ things start to make sense economically.
Making food tase better might not have made the world go round but life saving medicine could have.
Many essential oils have anti-parasitic properties and other spices provide true health benefits as well. This used to be a little woo-woo but is starting to puncture the mainstream bubble.
I think when rocky-fellers rewrote history, they covered it up so they could fill us with sugar and parasites and create the pharma industry.
They traded spices for sure but the main money maker was Opium!
Agree - for sure.
I’m just spitballing on the theme that spices could indeed be valuable enough to reshape global trade and cause wars if it truly were medicine, more so than we know - or commonly think.
There might be a larger than commonly thought of parasite / medicinal tie-in due to an effort to hide, or at least, downplay those two tie-ins throughout history.
There are certainly two parasites at play within the systems above. Those internal to the body, and those that charge usury on transactions - aka the financial side.
I think the second one (usury group) also initiated and controlled the opium trade to control populations. Maybe somewhat parallel to how they do it with Big-Pharma now, but differently.
How much has been hidden to create the medical-pharma machine?? Rocky-feller had a massive hand in creating the current medical industry.
How big are the two tie-ins???? IDK??
Frankincense = shown effective against cancer.
Myrhh = shown effective against parasites.
Black Pepper = (major player in early spice trading) haven’t dug deep, but beneficial
And on…..