I have family members that were vaxxed. Some up to 5 times (they didn't listen). Now they all have/had kidney stones. Stepdaughter has gallstones and having gall bladder removed. I've heard from other people that they know people with the same issues. I searched forum and found a lot about kidney failure but not stones. Concerning. Related possibly? Anyone else noticed the rise?
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Gout is uric acid building up to where crystals can form in your joints, it gets blamed on high-fat and high-protein diets and my dad used to get it. However he only got it when he was sedentary, when he got into the gym and became much more active he stopped getting the gout. I eat even more fat and protein than he does and am in the gym 3-4 times a week lifting and have never gotten the gout attacks he got. I also drink on average a gallon of water per day so there might just not be the right conditions for the uric acid to build up in my body.
I’m versed on gout, hit me years ago. Changed diet, Bernard Jensens Cherry extract is my remedy when I feel it try to flare. Wish I had time for the gym. I drink a good bit of water also to stay flowing.
You make time for it, you find a way to do it at home even. I kept making that excuse until one day I saw that I had a BP of 150/100 and I had somehow injured myself again just taking out the trash.
You're right fren, it's on me and I'll own it. I'll do better, I do know i felt better when I exercised when I was younger. 55, small business owner now. Time flies.