In case you weren't aware, /fednews is a very large sub specifically for federal employees to talk about 'work stuff' i guess. Much like the majority of everything else on reddit, it's a liberal cesspool of nothing but groupthink, circle-jerking, crying over the smallest inconveniences in life and demanding accomodation for their delusional worldviews.
Anyway this week especially has been fun to read as they are having emotional breakdowns over emails from OPM, such as the removal of pronouns, various firings, the buyouts of course. They LOVE talking about the supposed good they are all doing....and of course none of them ever think they are the problem. With practically all of these people posting about the great work they are constantly doing, well we should be living in a damn utopia at this point!
It is satisfying to me that these pieces of shit are starting to feel the heat especially after they had no compassion whatsoever for people who refused the jabs back in 2020-2021.
Just go to Reddit and type /fednews in the search feature to be taken directly to the subreddit.
Link? Don't make low-T posts.
I don’t like giving them direct traffic.
Relax. I have to bust balls every once in a while ; )
They are going through the seven stages of grief. They were in pure denial, now they are entering the shock stage.
Go see the site. It is massively entertaining. We at GW couldn't fake something this funny.
Federal employees have not experienced the difficulties that the average American has. They didn’t lose their income during COVID because their jobs were deemed non-essential! Many should retire, most will become like a common American work force. AND IT IS ABOUT TIME.
Is it my eye or is the painter carrying a sidearm?
Looks armed. I know i would want to be armed,doing that job with all the blue haired commies around.
Hopefully, all those swamp monsters get fired, such a bunch of leftie asswipes.
We will soon have a new speedrun category - how long can an ex-federal employee last in the private sector before termination.