posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +40 / -0


We know that "the pause" was necessary for the uninformed to witness what happens when etc...

The last four years plus were a spectacular success in this regard.

Without this, all they could see were the predictions.

The compulsive believers simply would not accept what they were told without experiencing things in the real world, and personally.

Most did see, realized what was happening and willingly embraced the reality.

These people are Americans.

But many did not. These are the Democrats.

"They did not learn anything." A commonly heard phrase at the moment.

They are now going through their own "pause."

For the next four years, and probably beyond they will be forced to witness reality.

But they most likely will deny it even though it is right in front of their eyes.

So shhhh, don't tell them. They seem unable to understand that the best way to win is to put forward a better candidate and policies that real people want.

Maybe someday they will become Americans like the rest of us and find that common sense is better than perpetual resistance and anger.
