Heavenly Father we love you so much. We thank you for the gift of life, for the blood of Christ that washes us clean, and the redemptive power and force that comes when we surrender to you. We know you are sovereign and working all things for you glory. Jesus be with this country and the countryman of all the other countries that are currently involved in this so called trade war. Jesus you have ignited a fighting spirit in America. Starting with the President all the way to average joes like me. Lord Jesus you have called America to be a light in the world. We know our economy is the leader of the world, with great power. We know our military is the strongest. We truly represent something special. HOWEVER Lord we know that is not where our true power lies. Our true power lies in the fact that we are One Nation Under God. Your hand has been at work since the founding of this great nation. No laws or things make us Great. We are Great because we were founded through your spirit...well Jesus we know that same spirit is alive and active and growing his army. So help us not lose track of what's important. Show us all the power of repentance and Prayer. Of love and Kindness...of Hope and Faith. Let Justice be done to those you see fit. but gather the rest into one flock so we can begin rebuilding. We love you so much Father, Savior, Daddy, King and Lord....Jesus Christ. Have your way with us. Use us for your glory. Amen
Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm eastern
And Dear Lord, may we never forget that our great goal with these economic policies and sacrifices is to stop the great evils of child sexual slavery and death and illicit drugs which destroys souls and families. Amen
Amen amen amen.such a beautiful add on fren. God bless. Thanks for this. Yes so so so Important