I think many on here have been mislead. Sure elements of Israel have hindered us and will be squared up, people forget the whole purpose of Israel is to have a a rock solid base there and to be a buffer, I do think if we hadn't helped establish there state we would be much deeper in wars with surrounding forces. I I don't think q or trump has ever intended the destruction of Israel. Saving for Israel for last has multiple meanings. It's interesting to see who is anti Israel, so the far left now are almost full blown anti Semitic about it, and we have the element of us that have always blamed them for alot of history's evils following he money etc.
It's an interesting alliance
I however back the rational 40000 view and trump will use Israel and get your hard earned dollars back or out to good use helping America prosper.
I think many on here have been mislead. Sure elements of Israel have hindered us and will be squared up, people forget the whole purpose of Israel is to have a a rock solid base there and to be a buffer, I do think if we hadn't helped establish there state we would be much deeper in wars with surrounding forces. I I don't think q or trump has ever intended the destruction of Israel. Saving for Israel for last has multiple meanings. It's interesting to see who is anti Israel, so the far left now are almost full blown anti Semitic about it, and we have the element of us that have always blamed them for alot of history's evils following he money etc.
It's an interesting alliance
I however back the rational 40000 view and trump will use Israel and get your hard earned dollars back or out to good use helping America prosper.