Right there with you. And I remember the doubts that would flood in when we did not hear from Q for a while, or things did not seem to be going the correct direction - then BAM - something huge would go down, and we'd say, "YES! IT IS ALL TRUE!!!" The whole experience in the early days was priceless. The vacuum of quiet for the past 4 years (except for the short burst) was agonizing. It felt like we were in hell. Then everything turned around. It's a miracle! And it feels more real than ever before.
Right there with you. And I remember the doubts that would flood in when we did not hear from Q for a while, or things did not seem to be going the correct direction - then BAM - something huge would go down, and we'd say, "YES! IT IS ALL TRUE!!!" The whole experience in the early days was priceless. The vacuum of quiet for the past 4 years (except for the short burst) was agonizing. It felt like we were in hell. Then everything turned around. It's a miracle! And it feels more real than ever before.