I never thought I’d say this but I’m starting to get Winning Fatigue. I won’t say that I’m tired of winning- not even close- but man has it been exhausting trying to keep up with all the winning. Especially after 4 years of constant bad news. I still keep feeling like this is all some kind of a dream that I’m going to wake up from
You need to get some winning weights and exercise so your body can handle all the winning. Trump told you we’d get tired of it but he was going to keep winning!
Do I have time for a nap first...
Isn't it insane how much winning is going down?
I haven't been in good spirits and excited like this since I was a child on Christmas morning.
I never thought I’d say this but I’m starting to get Winning Fatigue. I won’t say that I’m tired of winning- not even close- but man has it been exhausting trying to keep up with all the winning. Especially after 4 years of constant bad news. I still keep feeling like this is all some kind of a dream that I’m going to wake up from
You need to get some winning weights and exercise so your body can handle all the winning. Trump told you we’d get tired of it but he was going to keep winning!
Kek..we could call them Winning Workouts! 🏋️