Looking at your graphic, an organization chart, I don't understand what your question is. It merely lays out the lines of authority in the Executive Branch and its cabinet positions. Is there something I'm missing?
Yes, you are correct. These are cabinet positions, all of which fall under the Executive (i.e., Presidential) Branch. Sorry, I thought this was obvious and that everyone knew it... it was your title (Something does not make sense) that threw me. Guess I'm trying to figure out what part of it doesn't make sense.
Oh... I think I see what you're saying. Yes, over the past few decades many of the cabinet agencies slipped their moorings in the night and drifted away from their original intent. Anytime you have humans running things, eventually people drawn to power and money will infiltrate it and pervert its original purpose.
This "mission creep" goes unnoticed at first, then it gets deeply embedded, then it's running things. Sort of like the mafia taking over a legitimate business that then becomes a criminal enterprise.
Previous presidents probably knew about the corruption in their own cabinets, but felt powerless to do anything about it. Imagine yourself becoming the CEO of a business, and on your first day you show up to work and over the next few hours you find that every department that reports to you does so just for show, to impress the stockholders. The department heads let you know in very subtle ways that you are just a figurehead and that their various departments have thugs and people who can make life very uncomfortable for you if you upset their departments in in little way. And if those subtle ways don't work, then they will go to even LESS subtle ways to assure your compliance.
The tail is now wagging the dog.
That's sort of how the Executive Branch has operated for the past few decades.
And Trump is reasserting the Presidency as the head of that Branch, and using the most brash, un-subtle ways possible and shining spotlights on all the corruption.
THAT is why the bureaucrats are screaming and crying so loudly. Their "way of life" has been overturned. The bloated, inefficient, and VERY expensive government is about to be put on a severe diet, and it's going to lose a lot of flab in the form on non-essential employees and non-essential department heads, who have no loyalty to their boss (the President) than a prostitute has to her customer.
Looking at your graphic, an organization chart, I don't understand what your question is. It merely lays out the lines of authority in the Executive Branch and its cabinet positions. Is there something I'm missing?
The boss is on top and all these people work for the boss, right or am I incorrect?
Yes, you are correct. These are cabinet positions, all of which fall under the Executive (i.e., Presidential) Branch. Sorry, I thought this was obvious and that everyone knew it... it was your title (Something does not make sense) that threw me. Guess I'm trying to figure out what part of it doesn't make sense.
Obviously the cabinet is only for hiding illegal activities.
Oh... I think I see what you're saying. Yes, over the past few decades many of the cabinet agencies slipped their moorings in the night and drifted away from their original intent. Anytime you have humans running things, eventually people drawn to power and money will infiltrate it and pervert its original purpose.
This "mission creep" goes unnoticed at first, then it gets deeply embedded, then it's running things. Sort of like the mafia taking over a legitimate business that then becomes a criminal enterprise.
Previous presidents probably knew about the corruption in their own cabinets, but felt powerless to do anything about it. Imagine yourself becoming the CEO of a business, and on your first day you show up to work and over the next few hours you find that every department that reports to you does so just for show, to impress the stockholders. The department heads let you know in very subtle ways that you are just a figurehead and that their various departments have thugs and people who can make life very uncomfortable for you if you upset their departments in in little way. And if those subtle ways don't work, then they will go to even LESS subtle ways to assure your compliance.
The tail is now wagging the dog.
That's sort of how the Executive Branch has operated for the past few decades.
And Trump is reasserting the Presidency as the head of that Branch, and using the most brash, un-subtle ways possible and shining spotlights on all the corruption.
THAT is why the bureaucrats are screaming and crying so loudly. Their "way of life" has been overturned. The bloated, inefficient, and VERY expensive government is about to be put on a severe diet, and it's going to lose a lot of flab in the form on non-essential employees and non-essential department heads, who have no loyalty to their boss (the President) than a prostitute has to her customer.