Elon Musk recently said in an X post (yesterday), “I’ve had a top secret clearance for many years and have clearances that themselves are classified. ”
I didn’t even know they were clearances that it was classified that they exist. So I learned that today. Q has said there are less than 10 people that know the whole plan and 3 are civilians.
But as someone with multiple military contracts, and all these clearances, could Musk be one of those three? Almost everybody that was guessed as the three civilians are no longer in the picture(Trump still is in it!). At one point I thought Pence was playing a role and he was one of the three but he’s back to diddling boys or whatever it is he does in his free time. A lot of the other players like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lynn Wood, and other people in Trump’s circle are no longer in the picture or any even seem to be relevant at all (general statement, not saying they were in the know). My thought is the people that know the whole plan are going to be around till the end. I think people at the beginning would be playing a part. People in the picture now when everything is coming together will be the ones that have been behind the scenes all along.
The only evidence I have for this theory is that he said he has clearances that are classified. And while he does seem like he’s just playing a part now, he’s one of the smartest people on earth. If you start thinking about project looking glass, he could probably make that thing spit out answers that your average person would think of. Like Trump he’s got plenty of money but he doesn’t strike me as the type that worships it so he seems like the type that couldn’t be bought. I’m not sure if Q clearances can be given to civilian contractors, but would he even have a Q clearance? I’m not saying I think he’s Q because I doubt that. (Or maybe he is! That would certainly be a big reveal.) But I am of the belief that he has a much larger role in the plan than just batting clean up with the nations spending and uncovering the crimes behind all that.
I guess q did say less than 10 so maybe not