Obese nurses in healthcare are the hallmark of the entire diseased system.
Nothing says, "Do what I say, not what I do" louder than a healthcare provider that doesn't walk the walk.
Perception being reality, it's time these nurses take a closer look at the message they're sending and ask themselves if, "Rules for thee, but not for me " is a good look for their profession.
As a 71 year old heart patient I have more interaction with the medical types than I would like. I'm six foot and a hundred and thirty five pounds, pretty much what I weighed when I got out of the Navy. The nurses where I get treatment are mostly morbidly obese. The men are generally less heavy. My heart doctor tells me that he envies my condition mostly because I don't wheeze or struggle with movement. I tell him to eat real food instead of processed slop. Learn to cook. Don't eat out of boxes. Bake bread. Eat eggs and meat and milk and butter. Avoid seed oils. Too much trouble he says. Sad.
Obese nurses in healthcare are the hallmark of the entire diseased system.
Nothing says, "Do what I say, not what I do" louder than a healthcare provider that doesn't walk the walk.
Perception being reality, it's time these nurses take a closer look at the message they're sending and ask themselves if, "Rules for thee, but not for me " is a good look for their profession.
As a 71 year old heart patient I have more interaction with the medical types than I would like. I'm six foot and a hundred and thirty five pounds, pretty much what I weighed when I got out of the Navy. The nurses where I get treatment are mostly morbidly obese. The men are generally less heavy. My heart doctor tells me that he envies my condition mostly because I don't wheeze or struggle with movement. I tell him to eat real food instead of processed slop. Learn to cook. Don't eat out of boxes. Bake bread. Eat eggs and meat and milk and butter. Avoid seed oils. Too much trouble he says. Sad.