Vaccines are the Cause of Autism - Vox Popoli
You have to either be prodigiously stupid, willfully blind, totally corrupt, or some combination of the three to still deny that vaccines are the cause of autism, which they quite obviously are. When Elaine C. was seven years old, her parents became so wor...
It's beyond comprehension how we now have something like 1 in 30 getting Autism? Why aren't we SCREAMING at the top of our lungs to publicly find out why (vaccines) and make it stop!
The videos of parents, sometimes immediately after their babies being jabbed, showing that their baby is now despondent BREAKS MY HEART.
Because of the collective problem for humanity: we don't know anything until we experience it OR until we hear of it. But, with most avenues of communications owned by the military-agriculture-government-pharma complex, no one is allowed to hear about anything that would impact profits.