My chickens all had fowl pox this year. I'd never even heard of it before but suddenly they all had these really gross pox all over their faces. Anyway, I looked it up and it is apparently spread by mosquitos. They quit laying for a time, and I lost one bird, but the rest recovered nicely. They aren't meat birds so I'm not worried about eating the meat but it was very weird. I have to wonder if this is how everything spreads... the damn mosquitos.
"Meat birds" are typically 8-12 weeks from hatchling to harvest.
Egg layers take 5-9mos depending on breed to first start laying eggs.
You can imagine what a loss it is when you lose your egg layers because you're in the hole at least 5 months before you get an egg producer again...
How to chickens get XYZ bird flu/disease?
A = Wild birds. They come in and crap all over everything, eat their food and drink & crap in their water.
Free range/Pasture raised chickens get dewormed with fenbendazole (typically administered in their drinking water) because it is more effective for parasites that affect chickens than ivermectin.
Just like the PCR test for C19, similar test procedures for fowl are used with similar "vague" results. These USDA dillrods come in and if there's ANY possibility that they could have ANY transmittable disease, they give the order to cull the entire flock.
My chickens all had fowl pox this year. I'd never even heard of it before but suddenly they all had these really gross pox all over their faces. Anyway, I looked it up and it is apparently spread by mosquitos. They quit laying for a time, and I lost one bird, but the rest recovered nicely. They aren't meat birds so I'm not worried about eating the meat but it was very weird. I have to wonder if this is how everything spreads... the damn mosquitos.
Are meat birds different?
"Meat birds" are typically 8-12 weeks from hatchling to harvest.
Egg layers take 5-9mos depending on breed to first start laying eggs.
You can imagine what a loss it is when you lose your egg layers because you're in the hole at least 5 months before you get an egg producer again...
A = Wild birds. They come in and crap all over everything, eat their food and drink & crap in their water.
Free range/Pasture raised chickens get dewormed with fenbendazole (typically administered in their drinking water) because it is more effective for parasites that affect chickens than ivermectin.
Just like the PCR test for C19, similar test procedures for fowl are used with similar "vague" results. These USDA dillrods come in and if there's ANY possibility that they could have ANY transmittable disease, they give the order to cull the entire flock.
Here's my answer to the USDA:
You mean 'Bawk Off!' LOL