I was reading a PDF that someone linked I think yesterday here, but forgot to save. It had a cleanse that you would do for 3 months with NAC, oregano oil, and some other supplement. Does anyone know what that cleanse is? Supposed to clear a candida overgrowth. Tried doing a search but can't find it.
Edit: Found it! Took a while but popped up in a thread in search. https://www.docdroid.net/file/download/FX4DpXm/cdf-nac-protocol-pdf.pdf
I can’t help in finding a prior post, but I can share that years ago one of my friends had a serious case of candida overgrowth and overcame it in approximately three months by eliminating anything and everything that contained any yeast (breads, crackers, etc.), all starchy vegetables, all fruits, all sweets/sugar, and by basically eating eggs, meats, fish, poultry, and leafy greens. Most dairy, except kefir, was also eliminated. Everything had to be cooked - no raw veggies (easier on the digestion).
I did find the pdf and updated my post.
Thank you for the info! I may have to go that route. Last spring I got pneumonia bad and the antibiotics wrecked my system. Things have never been the same.
You’re very welcome. My friend was in the exact same situation - had pneumonia and was given heavy duty antibiotics which caused lots of damage. The diet worked like a charm. I’ll add that part of it included eating only fresh foods - nothing canned, packaged, or prepared (too many potential additives/preservatives). I trust that you, too, can regain your health by this simple method.
Well, that's great to hear given it was the exact same situation.