She wasn't always so snarky. She's been getting seriously harassed and even threatened since she posted her findings into The Wellness Company as being a clown operation. I had earlier done a little of my own research into them and came to basically the same conclusion she did. Her research leads her a contrarian outlook from that of the MAGA movement, and she lays her findings out.
I personally think that it's a good practice to get contrarian points of views from a solid and honest researcher like Polly if you can overlook her offensive tone.
She wasn't always so snarky. She's been getting seriously harassed and even threatened since she posted her findings into The Wellness Company as being a clown operation. I had earlier done a little of my own research into them and came to basically the same conclusion she did. Her research leads her a contrarian outlook from that of the MAGA movement, and she lays her findings out.
I personally think that it's a good practice to get contrarian points of views from a solid and honest researcher like Polly if you can overlook her offensive tone.