they need to pay back their loans. seems it was tax payers money they borrowed from, so pay it back to the Treasury. i had to pay my student loans back, i never even questioned having to pay it back. i never ever expected my loans to be forgiven.
how is this group any better than the ones who took out loans in the last, how many decades ago?? this is what entitlement has brought us to.
what about all the parents who saved and struggled for decades to pay for their kids college? how do they get any money back?
so NO, you decided gender studies was a good idea, you pay for it.
I actually got a history degree thank you very much. Problem is what did your degree cost vs mine? People in the 60s, 70s, and 80s could generally work a full time summer job and part time during school year to afford their education. Thanks to government intervention loans are a necessity to “afford an education.”
It is a big difference in that the cost of a year of tuition was $800 in 1980. Minimum wage was $3.10. You could work a full time minimum job for the summer and afford school. You really only needed 260 hours of work but that’s without taxes taken out. Now you need 1350 hours of minimum wage (without taxes taken) to afford their average public tuition. There is a vast difference today in what most people paid bs the cost now all thanks to the government backed loans. With 2 generations being told you need a degree to get a job.
I have paid for 8 years without deferment or anything what the DOE has told me to pay and my balance is still more than I originally borrowed. I have a mortgage and have had car loans and they go down over time and have been or will be paid off. My student loans though? The government got to screw 2 generations into debt slavery. It’s no different to me at this point than the money laundering in Ukraine, the bank and auto bail outs etc. It was all intended to line pockets and create slaves.
they need to pay back their loans. seems it was tax payers money they borrowed from, so pay it back to the Treasury. i had to pay my student loans back, i never even questioned having to pay it back. i never ever expected my loans to be forgiven.
how is this group any better than the ones who took out loans in the last, how many decades ago?? this is what entitlement has brought us to.
what about all the parents who saved and struggled for decades to pay for their kids college? how do they get any money back?
so NO, you decided gender studies was a good idea, you pay for it.
I actually got a history degree thank you very much. Problem is what did your degree cost vs mine? People in the 60s, 70s, and 80s could generally work a full time summer job and part time during school year to afford their education. Thanks to government intervention loans are a necessity to “afford an education.”
what difference does it make what your degree cost vs mine? i still paid back every penny and it took years.
It is a big difference in that the cost of a year of tuition was $800 in 1980. Minimum wage was $3.10. You could work a full time minimum job for the summer and afford school. You really only needed 260 hours of work but that’s without taxes taken out. Now you need 1350 hours of minimum wage (without taxes taken) to afford their average public tuition. There is a vast difference today in what most people paid bs the cost now all thanks to the government backed loans. With 2 generations being told you need a degree to get a job.
I have paid for 8 years without deferment or anything what the DOE has told me to pay and my balance is still more than I originally borrowed. I have a mortgage and have had car loans and they go down over time and have been or will be paid off. My student loans though? The government got to screw 2 generations into debt slavery. It’s no different to me at this point than the money laundering in Ukraine, the bank and auto bail outs etc. It was all intended to line pockets and create slaves.