i agree to a point but because some of them are in their 20's or older and know nothing about their homeland, i'm not sure what to do about them. that's where it becomes iffy for me. if they are little and their parents are deported, then yes, those one's need to go with their families.
i know, i was like what??? we need to deport way more than one million a year. if we quit giving money to all these other countries and put a majority of that into deportation we could get 10 million out a year. done in two years.
for us! kek!
damn it. after him roasting and trying to disgrace his "bratha's" i was hoping they went after him. they are seeing renegade didn't do shit for them (he actually didn't do shit for any American) and they are mad.
well we can dream. maybe at his next speech they will do this to him.
he played at a Biden rally Oct 24, 2020 in PA. i was done with him then.
i watched a video on the fireworks defying Newscum, it truly was awesome.
that's quite an impressive crowd for Commiefornia. love it!
"and they do vote"........multiple times.
yep, Q said no civil war.
link that shows Stefani at Marina Abramovic's party. i do not believe the one laying on the table is Stefani, but she's def in the pic on the top.
great job and no need to apologize. (i think the apology was sarcasm, but anyway), Renegade needs to apologize to you for what he's done.
too late, they are caught. they are trying to get Cameltoe elected so she will stop the Epstein and full Diddler lists from coming out.
Ryan Reynolds and his wife Blake Lively were both on the Diddlers list.
i've seen 12 y/o's that can handle a gun better than this.
yes he did, thank the good Lord. Renegade looks horrible. must be from all the stress of him running around looking for a new handler.
Amen! well said.
exactly, 100%. saying little people can mean midgets. just say what you saw and quit with the word "protection" salad. children are not little people, midgets are little adult people. huge difference.
Walt Disney himself was a pedo. this insane crap has been going on for decades.
there was a time when women had legal abortions and were so embarrassed about it, they never spoke of it. now women want to act like it's a notch in their belt buckle for every abortion they get, it's disgusting and evil.
she realizes it, she needs to say it.
five out of five kids doing great. Trump had to have done something right. can Renegade or Biden or even Comrade say the same about their "kids"?
losing the records was their excuse for not going back. all BS.