My theory as to why the files haven't been released yet...
They have copies of all the files stored securely.
The files any deep state goons are deleting right now are bait.
Anyone who takes the bait and tries to scrub evidence gets fired and charged.
Once they're done fishing, they'll present us with their catch.
Holding the release of those documents over their head for a week or two will flush out a lot of rats as they scramble to keep a lid on it.
Trump also wants to SLOWLY torture these criminals and traitors. Why just arrest them all now when he can make every night lying in bed a nightmare for all of them losing sleep and mentally torturing them as to what they think might be coming. And like the original post said let them make more mistakes trying to run cover which will not work and only incriminates them more later. its been 37 days. By the time they pounce these asshats will have zero fight in them left at that point. Enjoy the show.