Yes, I am pretty sure the sole purpose of the NSA is to capture and back up ALL electronic data worldwide. The NSA is the world's digital archive wayback machine.
Yes, this includes all of your browser history (even incognito mode - especially incognito mode!), text messages, voicemails, phone calls, GPS locations, pictures, videos, and every other electronic piece of data on every hard drive on every type of computer or mobile device worldwide. EVERYTHING.
When they say they have it all, they mean ALL. I agree.
While I have zero doubt this is probably true - Q and the WHs have also known this day was coming... surely data would have already been secured???
Yes, I am pretty sure the sole purpose of the NSA is to capture and back up ALL electronic data worldwide. The NSA is the world's digital archive wayback machine.
Yes, this includes all of your browser history (even incognito mode - especially incognito mode!), text messages, voicemails, phone calls, GPS locations, pictures, videos, and every other electronic piece of data on every hard drive on every type of computer or mobile device worldwide. EVERYTHING.
When they say they have it all, they mean ALL. I agree.
Boom! This!