We all know that the Q Plan was set into motion to take down the blob we loosely call "Cabal", which Q already told us was 3 sides of a triangle. From Q drop 133
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
One side was taken down right after Q started dropping, and in fact gave Q the prominence with one of the earlier Q Proofs
So we have had the other two sides Rothschild & Soros blobs, atleast the puppets that have been allowed to wreck havoc as part of the Great Awakening.
The Rothschild blob (RINOs) coagulated around Israel, and the Soros blob (Dems) coagulated around China. Very first clue was with the plandemic.
Covid vs Vaccines
Covid was orchestrated by China blob
Vaccines orchestrated by Israel blob
Why did Trump say millions and millions of people were saved? We all know the answer. Plandemic was supposed to shutdown the economy for 5+ years and decimate us all. This would have helped transition the NWO to China/WEF/Soros crowd.
Trump unleashed the Israel blob against China blob, by dangling the "Vaccines" and thwarted this early attempt at the world control via Plandemic.
Okay fine, so Trump/Q have weaponside Israel blob against China blob. Why is this important to us?
This is the fundamental point that will help us make sense of all the madness.
The Ukraine peace deal. The Gaza peace deal. BRICS. Push for AI. The Epstein Documents, JFK files and other declas. Why Trump's cabinet is predominantly pro-Israel. etc.
Ukraine is about China. Palestine is about China. Iran is about China. BRICS is about China. AI is about China. Everything is about China, and only after China is down then everything will be about Israel.
Hence "We are SAVING ISRAEL for last." (Incidentally with a Delta of March 10. Interesting eh?)
Things to dig if you dont believe me:
Ukrainian company Motor Sich and why is China dependant on this company? Why did China try to take over this company? How did it get stopped? By emergency declaration after the SMO ?
China's $400 billion investment to Iran. OH YEAH. Biden was not the only dude sending liquidity to Iran before Oct 7th. Why did we not hear about something this huge?
Whats the single biggest risk of BRICS? What happens if they end up using RMB as their reserve currency? Replace petro-dollar with petro-Yuan? Same circus, different clowns?
Why does Trump keep blasting about BRICS? He doesn't care about BRICS as long as they dont try to exclude USD as reserve currency, exactly for this reason.
Those of you still with me and understand that everything right now is about controlling China, will have a smart observation.
After Israel blob is used to defeat China blob, who will take down Israel blob?
Good question, my fren. When it comes time that Israel deep state is the only Deep State standing, do you know who will take it down? When its time for "Saving Israel for last" ?
YOU. Yes you me and everyone else: We The People.
THAT is when we need DECLAS.
THAT is when we need Epstein Files and JFK Files and 911 Files and Vaccine files and everything else Mossad has been doing to be flooded into the world.
Because ONLY "We The People" can stop the last standing faction of Cabal, and our weapon is Truth and Awakening. At this point 95% will be awake and standing by our side.
So, if you understand what the battlefield looks like you will understand why the moves are being made (or delayed).
If not, you will be depending on false prophets that will find stupid excuses .. like Pam and Kash and Don Bonjino and everyone have infiltrated Trump. Or that Trump is nothing but "Zion Don".
This is also why this is a 8 year plan, ending in Oct 2025.
There is a reason Q chose a small obscure group of sharp minded people to be woken up far before anyone else was even stirring. That reason this.
I'm surprised you called out Israel.
Why would it surprise you?
ADL and antisemitism laws
You must be new to this board ;)
More an occasional visitor. The whole subject just gets confusing for me, and i'm not here to point fingers. I was making a neutral statement and am not aiming to demonize.
Though I will say that this board is not afraid to call out traitors, like when Mike Pompeo was undeniably outed as deep state.