Here you have Trump, making gains with Putin, trying to broker a ceasefire. He meets with Zelensky, in private, he thinks it's gone well. They hold a press-conference, filled to the brim with reporters. Zelensky then takes this opportunity to make his move - knowing this is live and with loads of cameras on him he knows he's got Trump and his cabinet hostage - so he throws it out there (and I paraphrase) "this ceasefire deal isn't enough. It's not going to work. Putin won't keep his word - he didn't in the past and he won't this time. I need more. And if you don't give me more you're next."
And it's at this point when JD steps in to say basically say "are you f'ing kidding me!!??? You're bringing this up now?!?? This is not the place for this discussion!"
But little d*ckhead Zelensky knew EXACTLY what he was doing. He knew that Trump would feel pressured because he played his victim role to a T and even had the gall to play the "you don't know how we suffer" role and confront JD with his "have you been to the Ukraine?" question which he asks in front of the entire world knowing full-well the answer to that. (JD should have been like - yeah in the 35 days since I've been in office I've been to your front-lines...sure...I've had all the time in the world to get embroiled in YOUR problems.).
What a dck maneuver. You don't bring this stuff up in front of the world's stage! Even if he thought the ceasefire wouldn't work, he should have said all this BEFORE the press conference, during negotiations, behind closed doors, not DURING it. And yet you have people coming for Trump!?? Because Trump knew the game he was playing and wasn't going to go for it? Trump basically called him out and very appropriately said "look you're playing with WWIII here!" I mean Trump was just trying to broker a deal with Putin. You think he can then go along with Zelensky's wild claims and let him talk sht about Putin in front of him?
The whole thing was ridiculous and anyone with half a brain would realize that Zelensky is a piece of sh*t for doing what he did. He should have come into that meeting and been respectful - not grandstanding and trying to bite the hand that feeds him.
What an absolute disgraceful, conniving, snake in the grass.
He worked up to all of it by acting like it was another holocaust basically, bringing him photos of atrocities as if Ukraine hasn't also committed atrocities