Trespass laws give one a chance to leave before ID. Public squares are exempt. Zero tolerance for illegal behaviour should be the culture. This is very little to ask for. Just saying.
Reddit is full of people saying this violates free speech. You get down voted for pointing out destruction of property or blocking a highway is illegal and what he is talking about about.
This is a slippery slope. Nobody should be celebrating this..imo. Students are often the Catalyst for change. They have the time and energy to risk on calling out issues that are important. It's hard to have a Peaceful Protest if you're protesting against Israeli Genocide because they cheat anyway they can to stop your protests.
Huh? I want the angry voices of American Educated to be able to have their concerned voices heard. They are the future of the Nation. Without a powerful Foreign lobby stopping them. Does this make my message easier for you to understand?
Sorry I misread some of the post. Starting it with calling it a slippery slope, when it's meaning is stopping destruction of property probably helped my misunderstanding.
If an agent provocateur is used it should be easy to find in an investigation.
Trespass laws give one a chance to leave before ID. Public squares are exempt. Zero tolerance for illegal behaviour should be the culture. This is very little to ask for. Just saying.
Law and order should be the way.
Reddit is full of people saying this violates free speech. You get down voted for pointing out destruction of property or blocking a highway is illegal and what he is talking about about.
During college days, I was an activist. I just don't do anything destructive or illegal. LOL
Yes and No. Freedom of speech I agree with, destruction should be pounded into the pavement.
Right on.
This is a slippery slope. Nobody should be celebrating this..imo. Students are often the Catalyst for change. They have the time and energy to risk on calling out issues that are important. It's hard to have a Peaceful Protest if you're protesting against Israeli Genocide because they cheat anyway they can to stop your protests.
A lot of us used to protest during colleges and we do not break anything.
A lot of us didn't have the Internet to help EVIL plan sneaky attacks on the Peaceful Gatherings .
Yes, that's true.
Id focus on the disruptive element of the Protests. Not the Protestors. But that's Antisemitism!!! Send them back home and expel them..
Yes, the burning, looting and destroying.
Budlight huh? No wonder you want violent protests.
Huh? I want the angry voices of American Educated to be able to have their concerned voices heard. They are the future of the Nation. Without a powerful Foreign lobby stopping them. Does this make my message easier for you to understand?
Sorry I misread some of the post. Starting it with calling it a slippery slope, when it's meaning is stopping destruction of property probably helped my misunderstanding.
If an agent provocateur is used it should be easy to find in an investigation.
Our giovmt embeds chaos creators inside colleges. This will end it.