posted ago by CigarTsar ago by CigarTsar +68 / -2

One of my friends has a son who is a nonverbal autistic in his 20's.

Pretty sure he has been communicating with me in my sleep.

I am a neurotypical, which means just a normal bloke with nothing special brainwise.

His son is a neurodivergent, which means his brain is not normal, it is special.

I just did a marathon of listening to Ky Dickson who created the Telepathy Tapes on Joe Rogan, then her 10 episode 10 hour long series.

Watched it all in 1 setting.

Pretty sure my friends son is telepathically reaching out to all of his fathers friends to alert him of this series.

He wants to become a speller. A speller is a new language that allows the nonverbal to communicate in our world.

My friends son cannot wipe his ass. His dad has to wipe it. They suffer from dissociate mind and body.

They appear to be massive morons, but in truth, they are savant intelligent in most cases.

Intelligent in ways we cannot fathom.

These nonverbals all talk to each other telepathically. They can talk to people all over the world through their mind.

In the western world our scientific method is called materialistic. The physically observable and measured truth.

Because telepathy cannot be observed and measured, it is dismissed, but it exists.

Science is sorely lacking in fields such as this and needs to wake/catch up.

These people are 100% communicating with each other through telepathy.

Highly recommend everyone listen to the series with an open mind.

Btw, my friend now thinks i am crazy and is not talking to me, sigh.

His son will set him straight one day. I am certain his son was talking to me.