168 A woke spa in San Francisco is having difficulty navigating the natural consequences of their policies. They held a "women's only night" and so many bepenised ppl showed up that even the SF Wokes revolted and now, they're having alternating "phallic" and "non phallic" days 😅😅😅🤡 (media.patriots.win) posted 14 days ago by catsfive 14 days ago by catsfive +168 / -0 34 comments download share 34 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Phalic and non phalic designations would solve so many problems from sports to bathrooms to locker rooms.
Technically, there are many possible terms we can use for designating trannies:
The Furry imageboards came up with the terms "Gynomorph" and "Andromorph" to refer to intersex individuals with genitals opposite of their body type,
Tumblr fanfic authors would go with the "Alpha Female" / "Omega Male" designations
And then there's the Japanese Hentai method: just label them all "Futanari"