At first I thought they were protesting the deportations and wouldn’t go back to whatever country they came from but after I looked it up the women’s march website said they wouldn’t go back to being the 1950s housewife, abortion in alleyways, cooking was also mentioned. 😂
You mean they won't go back to a time when a family could live on one income, with a nice house and car? And they didn't have to go to be a wage slave and put their kids into the hands of minimum-wage day care hires? And got to experiment with recipes, and spend time with their OWN kids, and coffee-klatsch with the other moms?
At first I thought they were protesting the deportations and wouldn’t go back to whatever country they came from but after I looked it up the women’s march website said they wouldn’t go back to being the 1950s housewife, abortion in alleyways, cooking was also mentioned. 😂
You mean they won't go back to a time when a family could live on one income, with a nice house and car? And they didn't have to go to be a wage slave and put their kids into the hands of minimum-wage day care hires? And got to experiment with recipes, and spend time with their OWN kids, and coffee-klatsch with the other moms?
HOW HORRIBLE that would be?!?
Sounds like living the dream to me, but we wouldn’t want that!
Somebody is making dinner every night js