Canada will cease to exist as a fake independent entity in the next 2-3 years, one way or the other. It is, of course, our land to take.
I often think the Russian National anthem foresaw this. One verse reads:
From the southern seas to the polar edgeOur forests and fields are spread out.You are the only one in the world!You are the only one – the native land so kept by God!
So Russia, like America, expands from the Southern Sea to the Arctic Waste
In our case, that is from the Gulf of America to the Arctic Ocean, necessarily including all of Canada
Canada will cease to exist as a fake independent entity in the next 2-3 years, one way or the other. It is, of course, our land to take.
I often think the Russian National anthem foresaw this. One verse reads:
From the southern seas to the polar edge Our forests and fields are spread out. You are the only one in the world! You are the only one – the native land so kept by God!
So Russia, like America, expands from the Southern Sea to the Arctic Waste
In our case, that is from the Gulf of America to the Arctic Ocean, necessarily including all of Canada